Monday, February 8, 2016

Polit Sci 10 Guide Questions

Life is NOT always fair…
hence, the need to be prepared without end up getting paranoid of the unexpected.

Guide Questions for Polit Sci 10 (Ethics and Accountability in Phil. Public Service)

On Kantian Ethics (and the concept of dignity)
Reference: “Groundworks of the Metaphysics of Morals” of Immanuel Kant

1.       What is the nature of the Categorical Imperative?
2.       What are the Five Formulations of the Categorical Imperative?

On the Median Principle of Morality (Aristotle )
Reference: “Nichomachean Ethics” of Aristotle

1.       Nature of a Virtue?
2.       Kinds of Virtue?
3.       For Aristotle, by Excellence he meant specifically to what?
4.       Moral excellence…what does it cover?

On the Principle of Utility (Bentham)
Reference: “The Principles of Morals and Legislation” of Jeremy Bentham

1.       Humanity is governed by what?
2.       What is the principle of utility?
3.       What are the seven degrees of felicity?


image screen grabbed from

Introduction to The Principles of Morals and Legislation (Jeremy Bentham)
Prepared by: Atty. Mark Gil J. Ramolete, MA Philos

Governance of 2 masters:
1.)    Pleasure
2.)    Pain

Four Sources of Pleasure and Pain:
1.)    Moral
2.)    Political
3.)    Physical
4.)    Religious

The Principle of Utility
 = Maximize the experience of pleasure while minimizing the experience of pain

Principles Adverse to the Principle of Utility
1.)    Principle of Antipathy and Sympathy
2.)    Principle of Asceticism

What are the Seven (7) Degrees of Felicity?

Intense, long, certain, speedy, fruitful, pure
Such marks in pleasures and in pains endure
Such pleasures seek if private be thy end
If it be public, wide let them extend
Such pains avoid whichever be thy view
If pains must come, extend it to the few.

Whether one is a policy maker, leader or a magistrate, the PRINCIPLE OF UTILITY MUST NOT be strictly pursued.
                An action, policy or law is right provided and only provided the outcome is the best possible